Natural Trail - connecting people to nature

“Edward Young – English Poet once said:  "The  course  of  Natureyouvivu1e1598097180263
is the art of God". On the roads we have traveled, we have realized
that there is no better  place  than  going  back  to  Mother  Nature.

Traveling to many places in the mountainous provinces of Northern
Vietnam, interacting with many  indigenous people, interacting with
many ethnic minority groups, discovering their unique cultural features
and from there NATURAL TRAIL was formed.  With  the  desire  to
accompany ethnic minorities  for  economic development together,
thereby reducing pressure on nature so that future generations can
still enjoy the same values that Mother Nature brings, NATURAL
TRAIL TRADING CO., LTD is taking that step by step. We understand
that every road has its ups and downs but we believe in NATURAL


Committed to promoting sustainable development of natural products associated with biodiversity conservation and livelihood sharing for upland ethnic minority communities.


In the next 5 years, NATURAL TRAIL will continue to build and expand the raw material area to ensure the supply to the international market and gradually lead Asia in the supply of natural flavoring products.

Business Philosophy

Action for the community and Sustainable Development